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Orthopedic Urgent Care
Achilles Tendon Injuries

Achilles Tendon Injuries: Understanding, Treatment, and Prevention

What are Achilles Tendon Injuries?

The Achilles tendon, located at the back of your ankle, is crucial for activities like walking, running, and jumping. Achilles tendon injuries can range from mild inflammation (tendonitis) to a complete rupture, affecting your ability to move freely and participate in physical activities.

What Causes Achilles Tendon Injuries?

Achilles tendon injuries often result from overuse, sudden increases in physical activity, or inadequate stretching. The two primary forms of Achilles tendon injuries are tendonitis (inflammation) and rupture, each requiring specific treatment approaches.

Risk Factors and Symptoms

Various factors, such as age, improper footwear, and tight calf muscles, can increase your risk of Achilles tendon injuries. Symptoms may include pain, stiffness, swelling, and difficulty walking or standing on tiptoes.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing an Achilles tendon injury typically involves a physical examination and may include imaging tests like ultrasound or MRI. Treatment options range from conservative approaches like rest, ice, and physical therapy to surgical interventions for severe cases like tendon ruptures.

Complications and Prevention

Complications of untreated Achilles tendon injuries can include chronic pain, weakness, and an increased risk of re-injury. To prevent such issues, proper warm-up routines, gradual training progressions, and choosing suitable footwear are essential.

Managing an Achilles Tendon Injury

If you suspect an Achilles tendon injury, it's crucial to rest, ice the affected area, compress it, and elevate your foot. Avoid high-impact activities, and follow up with a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you experience severe pain, inability to bear weight on the affected leg, or notice a gap in your Achilles tendon, seek immediate medical help. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve outcomes.

At McKinley Orthopedic, Sports Medicine & Spine, we are dedicated to providing innovative, cost-effective care to enhance your quality of life and help you overcome Achilles tendon injuries. Remember, setbacks are temporary – with the right approach and support, you can return stronger than ever.

Schedule a consultation with our experts to begin your journey towards recovery and renewed agility. You are not just a patient; you are a warrior, and we are here to support you every step of the way.